Chef Master

Chef Master
Food, Prizes, and Charity Under One Roof
Chef Master — Cooking Challenge is a one of a kind app for people to create and share dishes using a common set of hand selected ingredients. We offer daily and weekly competitions, for which we give away gift card prizes for dishes with the most votes. Starting this October, we plan to expand our contributions. Instead of giving more to the user, we want to match the prize amount and make a donation to a charity instead, starting with the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Every month moving forward, we will pick a new charity to make the donations to. As of right now, what we can offer our users is limited, however, as the app expands, so will our donations. This will create an environment and opportunity to cook, share, and help a cause — all in one.
Recently Launched
Where is your startup based?:
United States
  • Mobile
  • StartUp
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