How to get ssl on siteground?

Hello, I was wondering how can I get an SSL (Secure Socket Layer) on my site which is hosted on siteground? Thank you for the help in advance.
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21:43 (edited)
Hi Fuze. First of all you need to purchase SSL certificate. You can order SSL on SiteGround. If you don't want to purchase SSL certificate, you can use the free one (Let's Encrypt). Lets Encrypt actually is the easiest way to make your website works through HTTPS. To install Let's Encrypt SSL on SiteGround, you will need to login to Cpanel, then scroll down to the Security section and click on Lets Encrypt icon:
Get SSL On Siteground
On the next page select your website (hosted on SiteGround, for which you want to install SSL certificate) and select Let’s Encrypt SSL Type (if you are planning to use subdomains on your website — select Wildcard). And click Install button.
Install Lets Encrypt SSL on Siteground

Dont forget to make changes on your website. If your website is based on Wordpress I would recommend you to install and activate Easy SSL plugin.

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